Saturday, 28 November 2015

Pen Pals

Hey guys!

So over the last few days my life has basically consisted of getting all of my creative thoughts down on paper, capturing as many moments as possible and writing everything that inspires me before their out my my head and into oblivion forever. Finally my exams are finished and I have the freedom to spend more time on what I love rather than long nights spent stressing over late art homework or "wait! You mean our bio test is TOMORROW? I haven't even studied!". On Friday after I've suffered enough schoolwork I decided to celebrate my freedom (or at least it's freedom for now...) from schoolwork and jumped straight into making a glitter, sticker and paint covered diy for my friend that I plan to be sending to her by mail. Having a pen pal can be a fab thing to have. Imagine receiving colourful packages and handmade diys from a far away friend. You can spread love and creativity through the post. I love the idea of sending a hopeful little package that is a journey away from being in the hands of your pen pal and imagining his/her face lighting up while reading the thoughtful letter that's been wonderfully created by you! 
What I included in my package was: 

  • Four positive quotes that will lift moods and make her smile to be read when feeling down 
  • A chocolate bar for the obvious reason that chocolate is seriously essential
  • A rose flavoured tea that i couldn't resist since its titled "Love" and tastes divine
  • Three pins, i made, decorated with happy quotes, a band she adores and her favorite drink (Starbucks)
