Thursday, 12 November 2015

Capturing October

So October is over. 
The month was a blur of autumn leaves, long walks and dark clothing. I've always loved it, its mostly the ground that turns a hundred shades of orange, the still, dark nights and of course Halloween (my favorite thing). 
This year i tried to really make the most of Halloween, continuing my love for the festival. Getting ready was the best part especially carving a cat-shaped pumpkin whilst trying to avoid injuring ourselves and  my costume this year was a zombie (fake blood)- masquerade ball outfit. 
The rest of October was spent wandering round cute vintage shops and taking pictures of the sunsets. 
As for fashion the colors that made this month were dark blues,peach, i have also been obsessed with cute badges, purple lipstick and patterned dresses. 
But here are some photos from October.

vintage shopping with Becca

Favorite dress form fall

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