Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Woman's Day 2016

Hey cuties,

So to all you girls or woman out there reading, Happy Woman's Day! Weather you know about what today means or not, no matter what country your from, language you speak or your ambitions,  it's  time for us to be strong, celebrate and love ourselves. If there is a time we should show how powerful and important us girls are, its now. Today's commemorations remind us how far we've come from a time when we couldn't even vote to now- when we can show our independence and speak our minds. To those that feel self- doubting or down, today we can remember that every one of us is perfect and being real is so much more important than tearing ourselves down to achieve a fantasy- it wont make us happy. No matter who we are we all deserve to feel like a queen. 
I hope that wherever you are you feel rad & confident
So, here i have some self-positive, powerful girl art for you:

-not drawn by me-


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