Thursday, 18 August 2016

Dreamy Amsterdam (I'm Back Blogging!)

Hey cuties,

So it feels as though I haven't blogged in forever, with sitting on my laptop, putting together fashion posts and typing up my latest adventures in my pastel decorated bedroom, a distant memory of the past. 
Of course looking back at my old posts was going to make me feel nostalgic (and inspired) so here I find myself back on my blog itching to publish more art, fashion looks and stories stories stories! Yes, I've been seriously adventuring since my last blog post (March 2016?) which means I have so much exciting stuff to share with you! 
First thing I am going to kick the return to my blog off with is a series of somewhat rushed photos from my weekend in Amsterdam, my latest travels (WOOHOO), and the reason for how blurry my photos look is because my parents forbid me from packing my beloved SLR camera *cry*. 

Day #1 
When walking around Jordaan, I gush over how beautiful everything is, even the houses and streets are tumblr worthy
Me posing on my balcony of our apartment/ Top- Thrifted Skirt- Zara Socks- ?? Shoes- Zara
We visit a cute clothes market on the way to the canal ride

Day #2 
My Matcha Soy Latte! It's so beautiful and so yummy! I got way too excited about this
Captivated by the canal?

The one and only Vondelpark! Omg!

The Rijksmuseum from the outside! *O* so huge

I can't believe I saw an original Van Gogh portrait, he is definitely my favourite artist I had to take a photo!

I wandered round. the museum is so massive with 3 floors but I wouldn't be complaining if I got lost amongst all this beautiful art.
Even the ceiling was art itself
After wandering around every floor and not missing a single painting, we came across a room where you can sketch out a famous artwork and pin it up on this massive wall of drawings, so I pinned up my messy attempt. (My sketchy pencil drawing is above the watercolour chair) 
We then walked around the museum garden which had a waterfall people could step inside, although I somehow didn't get soaked 

Drawing class in the garden?

Me, trying not to look terrified on top of the massive 'Amsterdam' sculpture people were climbing on.
Here is my outfit for nighttime/ Top- Topshop Trousers- Topshop Cardigan- Thrifted Bag- stedelijk museum.

Looking pretty at night 

Day #3 

I was enjoying my makeup look for the last day. even though I was sad to be leaving, good makeup should always be captured (ignore the messy hair)

It was really sunny on the last day and the sky looked surreal

We visited a banksy exhibition and this is me next to my favourite artwork!
His art is so controversial yet still amazing!
Here is another painting that I liked.
After the Banksy exhibition, which was so incredible, we headed into the city centre for some shopping!

Cuteness overload & bathbomb galore in Amsterdam!!Can I buy all of them please?
I came across a cute, Urban Outfitters type shop where I bought some adorable temporary tattoos!
This was me looking super happy, as we then found a vintage shop on the way to central station and I immediately felt at home! 

I couldn't resist buying an utterly perfect, bright pink Adidas t-shirt I found! Expect a sporty-girly lookbook post coming up soon!

I ended the most divine weekend with the prettiest cup of mint tea.
The sunset from the plane on the journey home was a dreamy tangerine colour, I took countless photos of the sky.

-Rachel Xoxo