Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Woman's Day 2016

Hey cuties,

So to all you girls or woman out there reading, Happy Woman's Day! Weather you know about what today means or not, no matter what country your from, language you speak or your ambitions,  it's  time for us to be strong, celebrate and love ourselves. If there is a time we should show how powerful and important us girls are, its now. Today's commemorations remind us how far we've come from a time when we couldn't even vote to now- when we can show our independence and speak our minds. To those that feel self- doubting or down, today we can remember that every one of us is perfect and being real is so much more important than tearing ourselves down to achieve a fantasy- it wont make us happy. No matter who we are we all deserve to feel like a queen. 
I hope that wherever you are you feel rad & confident
So, here i have some self-positive, powerful girl art for you:

-not drawn by me-


More than a Soap

Hey cuties,

So as promised, here today I'll be showing you some wonderful Lush soaps! I can't get enough of the earthy and bold vibes from lush, not to mention the fabulously fruity scents that hit you from just walking into the store - its almost impossible to leave. I will be forever excited about their bath bombs, shower jellies and insta-worthy store deco but in my latest visit, last weekend with Becca, i discovered there's much more to the new soaps. 

After me and Becca;s spontaneous photo shoot outside the art museum- on Saturday, we headed to get bubble tea which only made the day cuter as I "oooohh" and"aahh'd" over the Japanese candy and pastel sticky notes that covered the kitsch interior. And of course the ay wouldn't have been complete if we didn't take a trip to lush for updates on the heavenly new products and the classic bath bomb smelling sessions. And that's when i stumbled on their out of the ordinary new body lotion- Charity Pot!Not only does it smell amazing but 100% of the money payed to buy it goes to either helping the environment, animal protection or human rights. Awesome charities like Art not Oil- "A fund for art activists to buy tickets and props for interventions about oil company sponsorship of art institutions", Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern- "Providing moral and legal support for refused asylum seekers" and Vegan Approach- "A Vegan Pledge in Calderdale, lasting one month, with a full day’s free course to include cookery demonstrations, films, talks and discussion". Whats not to love about a lotion that feels heavenly but also acts on saving the enviroment and is of course against animal testing, its super important that animals are treated kindly and that we still have the chance to see pretty nature and beautiful plants before they are cruelly killed. So I fell in love with the new body lotion.

Other soaps, I bought from lush that day were mothers day gifts, wrapped in vibrant yellow wrapping paper, inside the soaps included were: Beautiful- shower gel, this bold and zesty smelling shower gel is perfect for a burst of confidence! Sunrise soap, which not only is my all time favorite scent- orange (and shaped like the fruit, what's not to love) but also shimmers when in water! And lastly African Paradise, the body conditioner that will make you long for colorful sunsets and hotter days!
Here's a pic:

Sunrise soap

Hope you enjoyed!

-Rachel xoxo