Sunday, 31 January 2016

I Moved House + Performing & Adventures

So lately I've been having a super eventful and wonderful January, although I feel like I've been turned upside down with constant changes, I'm smiling and making awesome memories and I hope you are too! Here's what I've been up to

On the night of moving, I looked at my neighborhood from my old bedroom (which was, then, a sea Of boxes) and self-consciously screamed a half hearted goodbye out the window. Before I set off and Left the tons of childhood memories behind. Like sunset cycles through the photogenic streets, lighting sparklers outside in the summer, inviting my friends round for a photo shoot and wandering sesh. So of course the next morning was Alice-in-wonderland-confusing. If your going through the same thing, seriously, take something you love with you, I only survived because I had my art supplies.  The countryside seemed like Mars but I still wandered round. And ended up inspired by the roller-coaster that is moving so i created some collages: 

The next weekend, me, Becca, Rachel (Becca's twin) and Ruby-Jane, in the January rain, walked down to the local train station, as Becca captures the laughs and arty moments while I make cringey selfie faces in front of the lens. We walked through town, still pretty with the Christmas lights up, and headed into Cass Art, a super fab art store, where we browsed through all colors of paints, watercolor pens, cute notebooks until it was time for our art class where we learnt to carve linoleum to make crazy animal ink prints. Mine- an ace half lion, cat half unicorn and Beccas creation was part dog, part butterfly, so cute!

Last of my adventures, Yesterday had been something ive been excited for and raving about for months. My band were playing at an iconic, concert ballroom, I only freaked more after finding out that David Bowie, Arcade Fire and more super cool bands have played there. It was an event for singers who are under 18 to play on a huge (and slightly daunting) stage for a big crowd. The first thing we did was run for the dressing room (after getting our pics taken with the other bands) in awe of the retro decor and lightbulb mirrors which just made us more ecstatic and i couldn't refrain from jumping around and grinning. After the first act, we were called out, which is when my nerves got stronger and my heartbeat louder. But being on stage, dancing around and having fun, underneath the coloured lighting made me forget about time. I then joined my friends and did some more dancing around and laughing. The night ended in me and a smaller group getting pizza, adventuring round my new neighbourhood, resulting in us taking creepy pictures in a graveyard, joyfully finding a local play-park to joke around on the swings and slides in, then running back through the mud. I wore a dress from Urban Outfitters, and deep blue lipstick. 

Hope you enjoyed the post. 
What have you been up to this winter, comment below

-Rachel xoxo

Monday, 25 January 2016

70s Fashion Obsession

If you know me, you know me, you know i can talk for hours about clothes and "that skirt i saw in Topshop" or my amazing discovery of a new vintage shop i found. But more seriously, i have strong views on fashion like; not only is it art but a symbol of your personality and (as cheesy as it sounds) something that grows and changes as you do, something no one else's opinions should dampen. So recently i have fallen head over heels in love with 70s fashion and ace highstreet store finds inspired by the quirky, boho yet rusty look (not forgetting the florals and kitsch platform heels). A too-cute-to-be-true combination of hippy and new romantic. Have you ever been asked where you'd go if you  could time travel? Id defo go back to a time when people could wear whatever their heart desires (makeup in any color scheme too), dance in any way and express themselves without worrying about being flawless or if they looked silly. The 70s & 80s were so positive and all about having fun.
All pictures found on Pinterest;

So an inspired me decided to face the mid-January cold by posing outside, resulting in some 70s inspired fashion shoots. Enjoy: 

-Rachel <3

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Sparkling Space-Buns Tutorial

I'm going to be showing you how to do space buns with jewel covered roots.
As dark winter nights and snow showers comes cascading in theres no way you have to dim your shine. You can still sparkle through the cold and shimmer under the stars with this super quick and quirky hair style!

 Here's what you'll need:

 Four bobbles
 Two scrunchies
 Hair pins (optional)
 Hair gel ( I used Bumble and Bumble gel)
Jewels of any kind
 Glitter (optional)

 Step one:

 Part your hair from the front down to the back Take the hair separated to the right side and tie this in a bobble at the top side of your head,

 Do the same for the left
Step two:

 Take a scrunchie and tie this round where the ponytails are Do the same for both sides
Step three

 Spread the ponytail round the scrunchie so that it is covering the scrunchie Then take a bobble to tie it in place.
Wrap the remaining strands of hair round the bun and hold in place with hair pins

. Do the same for both sides Okay so your space-buns are complete!Now for the jewels:

 Step one

 Take the hair cream and apply to hair (i also applied glitter)

 Step two

 Then place the jewels where never you heart desires along the parting of your hair and fix with hairspray

 Taa daa! Now your finished. Id recommend wearing this to festive parties, having fun or whenever you feel like adding some shimmer!

Friday, 1 January 2016

Goodbye to 2015!

SO 2015 has been a colorful blur  and roller coaster of a year with rocky lows and sky high but I have loved every second. Even though reflecting on the year is a seriously sickly-sweet and cheesy idea i'm going to share some memories  i loved:
I started my first art journal, mainly inspired by expressing themes, color schemes and aesthetics the way i see them. Some were spiritual, hippy vies, bubblegum pink pastel, and seaside solar system. I also fell in love with pastel clothes, plants, animals, self love and became an artist,.i joined a band, an art club, met lots cool people,took a photography course at art school and had loads of fun. My trip to Croatia was wonderful with many photo opportunities and I fell in love with the palm trees,thunderstorms and vibrantly decorated streets. In November, the band got our first two gigs where i was terrified but also extatic, now i love the fun of preforming with my friends in front of a crowd. . I have met countless amazing people and taken every opportunity possible (like glitter fights, dancing in the rain and facing fears). I could name them all but the list would go on forever. So I'm ending 2015 with fireworks and a photo shoot